The Vault, The Bank, The Drug Store, The Studio.

This studio contains one of the first operational bank vaults in Kelowna. What once was a space for gold bars is a space for cold bars!

The heritage value of the rest of the building, lies in its having accommodated, for most of its time, one of the longest operating businesses in downtown Kelowna, the Willits-Taylor Drug Store (1899-1996; on this site 1901-1980s). The establishment of the drug store near here by H.E. Wallis in 1899 and its moving to this site in 1901 are representative of the establishment of Kelowna's initial commercial and shopping district along Bernard Avenue.

Since, we have been happy to host many talented artists. Come in and experience the history!

(Burne's Market ordered pigs from the Casorso Ranch out at the old Mission, to ship by refigerator rail cars to points east. The Casorso Brothers stand Far Right and Far Left.)